Dr. Duy Nguyen, https://engineering.sdsu.edu/~
Opening Ph.D. research assistantship positions at San Diego State University (SDSU).
I am looking for up to 3 Ph.D. students for the Fall 2017 intake. The desirable candidates must have strong backgrounds in mathematics and communications engineering, strong interests and motivations in doing high impact research. Excellent command of English and good publication record, though not required, are plus points.
– Position 1: you will be co-advised by me and one professor at University of California, San Diego (UCSD) through the joint doctoral program between SDSU and UCSD. You are required to meet minimum admission criteria, including GRE and TOEFL, at both SDSU and UCSD. The potential research topics include, but not limited to, mmWave communications, resource allocation for large-scale networks, joint sensing/communication systems, and signal processing for big data.
– Positions 2 and 3: you will be co-advised by Dr. Sunil Kumar and me at SDSU. You are required to meet the admission criteria at SDSU and will be admitted to the Computational Science Research Center at SDSU. The potential research topics include, but not limited to, directional networking, cross-layer design and optimization for wireless mesh networks, resource allocation in wireless networks.
Each position will be paid at $21,500 USD per year for 9 months. You are encouraged to take internship during the 3-month summer. San Diego is a hub for communications engineering in the US. So, the chance to have internship here is very high. At SDSU, each Ph.D. student is considered as a full-time staff. You will have all privileges as a faculty/staff, including subsidized healthcare coverage to you and your family.
Note: San Diego, according to many, is the best city in the US in terms of weather and affordability (compared to the rest of California).
Gởi các bạn Việt Nam: nếu bạn có học bổng từ chính phủ như 911, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trong quá trình tuyển chọn. Bạn sẽ được trả lương top-up cho hàng tháng sao cho lương 9 tháng của bạn sẽ không thấp hơn mức $21,500 USD.